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Avoid Search Engine Blacklisting

Posted on August 2, 2021 by Donald Marcil

The easiest way in order to avoid being blacklisted by the various search engines is to stay away from some questionable techniques which were once popular to get high rankings. Even though your website isn't blacklisted through the use of a few of the techniques below, it could be penalized (buried in the rankings) which means that your traffic are affected yet. When a internet search engine (SE) blacklists an internet site it'll throw your listing off their site and block your website from coming aboard again. This could be done by blocking the domain name, the Ip or both.

Here certainly are a few ways to avoid, which means that your site will never be blacklisted:

Mirror Websites

Mirror websites are sites with identical content but different URL's. This is once a way used to get high rankings in the SEs, but since se's are smarter now, this can only allow you to get penalized or blacklisted.

Doorway Pages

Doorway pages are pages with little real content for the visitors which are optimized to rank highly. These pages were created in order that visitors will move deeper in to the website where in fact the real content lies. Navigation to the doorway pages are often hidden from the visitors (however, not the SE robots) on the homepage.

Invisible Text and Graphics

Using invisible text (text exactly the same or a virtually identical color to the backdrop) was once used to spam a homepage plus some inside pages with non-stop keywords and keyphrases. Also links to doorway pages and hidden site maps can be achieved with invisible text (or invisible graphics). Some designers will generate a graphic link with a 1 pixel by 1 pixel raster image and link this to a concealed inner page like a hidden site map.

Submitting Pages Too Often

Submitting exactly the same pages to the SEs inside a 24 hour period will get you penalized and could delay your site from being listed in the rankings. Some se's think that pages submitted earlier than every 1 month is an excessive amount of. The one month rule is an excellent rule to check out when submitting to multiple engines.

Using Irrelevant Keywords

Using irrelevant keywords in a website's metatags and body copy to experience high rankings will most definitely backfire. Se's now desire to see parity between both of these areas and when your website is regarded as spamming with irrelevant keywords, you site will undoubtedly be penalized or blacklisted.

Automated Submissions to the Major Search Engines

Using an automated service or software to submit your site to the SEs can be hugely counterproductive. The majority of the major engines and directories accept manual submissions but don't like to be spammed with the automated ones.


Cloaking may be the practice of deceiving both internet search engine and visitors by serving up different pages for every. Visitors sees a nicely designed and formatted page and the internet search engine robot scans a full page of highly optimized text. Any practice that's deceptive ought to be avoided and the downfall of cloaking is that, if caught, the web site could be banned permanently.

Using an inexpensive or Free Web Host

Using an inexpensive or free hosting company can hurt in the search engine ranking positions. Frequent downtime, pages removed for exceeding the bandwidth deter robots from indexing your website. In case a robot cannot access your website often enough, your website will undoubtedly be dropped from the various search engines. Hosting is cheap, if you are seriously interested in your site get your personal domain name and host not just one like: geocities.com/yoursite.

Sharing an IP Address

Sharing an IP even from the legitimate hosting company can get your website in trouble. For those who have cleaned up your site from all the techniques mentioned previously as well as your website still will not get relisted by the various search engines in two months, consult with your host to see in case you are sharing an Ip with other sites. If that's the case, you might consider moving your site to a fresh host who'll give you your personal Ip or a minumum of one that's not distributed to another company who has already established their Ip (an yours) banned by the various search engines.